How does the Walk-in Clinic work?
Premier Pediatrics offers Walk-In Clinic hours 8 AM-4:00 PM Monday-Friday. No appointment is necessary. Walk in clinic is only for patients of Premier Pediatrics. All of our providers do participate in our walk-in clinic. If you have a concern and would like to see your primary provider, please call our office to schedule an appointment. Saturday clinic is now scheduled appointments only (2024).

What types of issues can be seen in the Walk-in Clinic?
Walk-in visits may address all sorts of concerns and acute issues; examples may include fevers, cold symptoms, asthma, ear infections, rashes, sore throats, eye problems, bug bites, bumps and scrapes, etc.

However, the walk-in clinic is not intended for chronic (>2 weeks) and wellness issues such as mental health concerns, medication checks, well checks, sports physicals, ear piercing, immunizations, etc.

Does the Walk-in Clinic have a long wait?
Our walk-in clinic wait time does vary throughout the day, week, and season. Our providers do honor scheduled appointment times first; however, our provider’s schedules are set up so that there is always at least one provider available for walk-in patients. It is one of our top priorities to not leave patients waiting any longer than necessary. Though times do vary, it is not uncommon for waits to average between 0 to 15 minutes (with the majority of patients being “taken back” in about 5 minutes). We are very frequently complimented on our efficiency and short wait times.

My child is not sick; do I have to use the sick waiting room for a Walk-in appointment?
Yes, our office is set up to serve our walk-in patients through this waiting room. All walk-in patients, regardless of their symptoms are required to check in through this waiting room.

I am afraid my child is going to get sick from being around other sick patients in your Walk-in clinic.
Please remember that your child may be exposed to these same germs at many other public areas such as the park, the grocery store, school, daycare, etc. However, at Premier Pediatrics we work very hard to keep our sick (and well) waiting rooms sanitized to protect our patients. The surfaces are sanitized throughout the day and periodically are thoroughly cleaned in a bleach “bath”. We are very efficient with our walk-in clinic and it is unusual for patients to spend much time in the waiting room around other walk-in patients. We do recommend that you use basic prevention methods such as washing hands, using antibacterial hand sanitizer, covering your mouth when you cough or sneeze, etc. to help prevent the spread of disease.