1. Walk in Clinic is open normal hours. We are also scheduling all types of appointments at this time, including sick visits
  2. We have limited tele-health available for specific appointments. For most symptoms it may be necessary (ear infections, rashes, etc) to see the child in office to give the best possible care and treatment.
  3. If you feel your child needs a COVID test please come to walk in clinic or call the office to discuss options (it may be recommended to wait if testing for exposure/asymptomatic)

Screening Questions:

If you or anyone in your household has had any of the following in the last 10 days please check in on the walk-in clinic side:

  • Loss taste or smell, fever, shortness of breath, cough, rash, congestion, runny nose, vomiting, diarrhea, fatigue, muscle or body aches, sore throat or headache
  • Traveled internationally
  • Tested positive for COVID 19
  • Exposure to person who tested positive for COVID 19


We have now finished a deep cleaning of the office. We have instituted a screening station and have CDC recommended precautions in place to serve appointments.  All people at well appointments must be fever free and free of any other symptoms related to COVID-19 in the last 10 days. We hope everyone is understanding of these stringent measures.

Also, we will still be providing contact with nurses via telephone triage during office hours and through Children’s Mercy Triage after hours.

Your best information source for COVID-19 outbreak is the Center for Disease Control:

CDC Coronavirus Information

and, locally, the Johnson County Department of Health and Environment:

Kansas Department of Health Coronavirus Info

Also, Children’s Mercy Hospital is a good local source for pediatric specific information:

Children’s Mercy Hospital Coronavirus Info